Ernst Ruska Prize 2019 for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Electron Microscopy.

August 30, 2018
Ernst Ruska Prize 2019 for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Electron Microscopy.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie invites to propose candidates for the Ernst-Ruska-Prize. The prize is awarded for work carried out by younger scientists pioneering new capabilities of electron microscopy as a scientific technique through innovative instrumentation or novel methods of basic and general interest. Work carried out by pure application of existing techniques will not be considered. The eligible work should not date back more than 7 years. It must be published or it must be accepted for publication at the time of submission of the proposal.

The decision will be made by an independent committee. The Ernst-Ruska-Prize consists of a certificate, a financial award, as well as the honor of giving an Ernst-Ruska Distinguished Lecture at the Ceremony of Award. If a group of authors receives the award, they will be awarded jointly. The ceremony will take place at the Microscopy Conference 2019 in Berlin, Germany, Sept. 1st- 5th, 2019.

Proposals including appraisal of the achievement, reprints or preprints, and short CV including list of publications of the authors should be received (on paper and CD) not later than November 30th, 2018, addressed to:

President of DGE
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller-Reichert
Core Facility Cellular Imaging (CFCI)
Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus
Fetscherstr. 74
01307 Dresden
E-Mail: mueller-reichert (at)

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