Canadian Foundation for the Development of Microscopy

The Canadian Foundation for the Development of Microscopy (CFDM) is a charitable organization whose aim is to promote the development of microscopy and associated techniques and support microscopy research and education.

CFDM was established in May 1994 by the five original trustees: L. Arsenault (McMaster University), then the president of the Microscopy Society of Canada, P.-M. Charest (Laval University), H. Dickson (Dalhousie University), F. P. Ottensmeyer (University of Toronto), and G. T. Simon (McMaster University), who was the first chairman of the board.

Today, CFDM is an effective charitable organization operated exclusively on a volunteer basis with minimal admin ratio and virtually 100 % of donated funds going into the program. The Foundation is directed by the Board of Trustees that presently comprises five members: Zygmunt J. Jakubek (Chairman of the Board), Michael Robertson (Treasurer), Martin Schmeing (Secretary), Daniel Beniac, and Elitza Tocheva.

One of the CFDM mandates, on which it is presently focusing, is to provide funds for educational opportunities for young scientists. CFDM is offering awards to assist Canadian university students with travel expenses to participate in national and international conferences and workshops. Each year, CFDM holds spring and fall competitions, with the spring competition giving priority to applicants attending the annual meeting of the Microscopy Society of Canada.

To apply for a CFDM bursary, please read the guidelines and then submit an application form as well as other application documents.

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